Monday, February 3, 2014

Atlanta Shuts Down

I realize I'm a little late in posting this before the blog discussion day tomorrow, but I want to talk about the problems that Atlanta has recently faced with the inclement weather. Since Atlanta has a pretty sprawling metropolis and cars are a primary method of transportation without a mass transit system, the city has been hit especially hard by the recent winter weather. Here is an article detailing some of the problems:

I thought it was interesting to note that perhaps if the mayor had more say-so some of the problems could have been avoided. Personally, I still am a bit confused as to how exactly two inches of snow could cause as much strife as it did in this instance, even in the south. However, as is implied in this article, better communication or organization could only help.


  1. Planning for natural disasters, storms or major disruption in the community by my accounts needs to include 1) health (medicines, first aid, ability to set up mobile hospitals) 2) water, food and shelter and 3) transportation.

    However, try googling transportation planning/transportation routes and natural disasters. . . the results are paltry.

  2. sorry above post is from Meghan Wieters

  3. I found this whole fiasco rather entertaining had it not been for the safety concerns. Surely there will be a push to standardize all emergency response and efforts at the federal level to prevent this from happening again.
